Life at CVE: Social and Wellbeing Programme

Life at CVE: Social and Wellbeing Programme

Thrive & Be! with CVE

CVE run an extensive Social and Wellbeing Programme for colleagues throughout the year, offering something for everyone: from social activities to health MOTs and mental health seminars.

The programme, called Thrive and Be! with CVE covers all of the activities that take place and you can find out more about them by scrolling through this page.




BBQs and Food Trucks



Theatre Trips 


Horse Racing


Cambridge Dragon Boat Race


Mental Health Awareness and First Aid

Wellbeing Seminars


Subsidised Gym Membership



Five-A-Side Football




Table Tennis

Health MOTs

Flu Vaccines

Free Fruit

Financial Wellbeing

Financial wellbeing seminars focused on creating financial plans and budgets, withstanding financial shock, and essential money management skills and good habits.



CVE are proud to provide training and development opportunities for employees to support them throughout their professional career.


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