Łukasiewicz Instytut Showcases CVE Machine

보도 자료

CVE supplied a 150 kV electron beam welding machine to the Łukasiewicz Instytut Spawalnictwa (Polish Welding Institute) in Gliwice.

Established in 1945, Instytut Spawalnictwa is Poland’s leading welding research and development organisation. In its long-standing activity, Instytut Spawalnictwa has solved problems in welding technology, coordinated numerous R&D projects and strengthened close links with the Polish industry and foreign centres. Instytut Spawalnictwa is the only organisation of its type in Poland and has the status of Centre of Excellence.

Figure 1. Electron beam welding machine.

Images courtesy of Łukasiewicz Instytut Spawalnictwa.

Figure 2. Electron beam welding laboratory wire feed unit application examples.

Electron Beam Laboratory

Instytut Spawalnictwa has a CVE electron beam (EB) welding machine in their electron beam welding laboratory.


The machine has the following features:

  • Working chamber (volume 4.95 m3)
    • Width – 1500 mm
    • Height – 1500 mm
    • Length – 2200 mm (it is possible to extend the chamber)
  • Directly-heated cathode system, maximum beam power of 30 kW
  • Accelerating high voltage up to 150 kV
  • Beam current up to 200 mA
  • Three vertical EB generators positioned on the chamber roof
  • Three viewing windows on the front side and one on the right side


The machine is equipped with:

  • A quality management system for logging welding parameters, including the temperature of the elements
  • Rapid beam deflection system enabling surface and heat treatment, multibeam welding including automatic seam tracking, and back scattered electron imaging
  • Light optical monitoring system with camera
  • Electron optical monitoring, back scattered electrons and advanced digital image processing
  • Wire feed unit
  • Beam assure system
  • CNC controlled XY table
  • CNC controlled rotary/tilt table with a tailstock
  • Two independent vacuum controllers
  • Portable helium leak detector with accessories
  • Demagnetising devices for mobile use


The EB machine allows the development of the following technologies:

  • Welding with and without filler metal
  • Brazing
  • Cladding
  • Alloying
  • Local heat treatment
  • Rapid prototyping with wire
  • Texturizing
  • Engraving
Explanatory Video

Video courtesy of Łukasiewicz Instytut Spawalnictwa.

Further Information

Instytut Spawalnictwa can help you determine the usability of electron beam technology for processing defined elements, developing electron beam technologies and manufacturing test runs in various components.

Find out more about the electron beam welding laboratory on their website.

If you are interested in adding electron beam welding to your Institute’s facilities, please get in touch.


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